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SubQuery Team

SubQuery Seekers Challenge a Tremendous Success

After an incredible 3 months, our SubQuery Seekers Program came to a close on 10 April 2024. Throughout years of building SubQuery, our thriving community has been at the forefront of everything we do. We created the Seekers Program as a way of rewarding our most valued community members and...

SubQuery Team

SubQuery Network Bridge Gas Rebate Program

đź’ˇWe know that gas prices are sky high right now on Ethereum, and often the price of swaps is greater than the per user refund limit on our SubQuery Bridging Gas Rebate program. We are considering increasing the per user limit, but we first want to wait and see what...

SubQuery Team

SubQuery Mainnet and SQT Launch: All You Need to Know

SubQuery, the pioneer of fast, flexible, and scalable decentralised infrastructure, is excited to confirm the date of our token generation event (TGE), mainnet launch and exchange listing will be 8AM Friday, 23 February 2024 UTC. Off the back of our public sale success, we are excited to make another giant...

SubQuery Team

SubQuery Confirms Community Airdrops

CAUTION: SQT is not live yet, it will not be airdropped until TGE. Beware of scams! Today we are pleased to confirm the much anticipated community airdrop allocation for our SubQuery community. As we approach TGE for the SubQuery Token (SQT), we know this milestone represents not just the culmination...

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